Saturday, 7 May 2016

Fountain Pen Fetish.

There was a time, not so long ago, that I was a sane person, too. Then I met someone, who is my teacher; I cannot tell how much she loves fountain pens. She pulls out her fountain pen with so much pride dripping from her face like it's not just a pen but a sword, her weapon. This lit a small bulb of curiosity in my head and I ended up buying a fountain pen myself. Since I was new to using a fountain pen, I didn't really want to invest much, so I purchased a Flair fountain pen. Initially, I had a tough time, trying to get the pen to write smoothly. Soon, I realised that one has to wait patiently for good things to happen, so I kept using the pen, patiently, and gradually my writing got smoother and smoother; and I fell in love. I wouldn't stop writing my name for that was the only thing that I could think of, so I kept writing my name over and over again. After a month or so, I purchased another fountain pen, a Pierre Cardin; this one came with two free cartridges and I had to seek help from the shopkeeper to help me fix the cartridge to the pen, I was clueless. That kind man helped me with fixing it and it seemed so easy. I fell in love, all over again (PS : I fell in love with the pen, and not with the shopkeeper). I kept writing random things, I just couldn't stop myself. I also ended up writing letters to all my teachers and my classmates. Writing so much with the fountain pen made me feel so good and happy. Not much later afterwards, my teacher also rewarded me with a Fellowship fountain pen. The reason why I use the word 'reward' is because she told me that one cannot simply buy a fountain pen, it has to be earned, and that I'd earned the pen that she had given me. She was also kind to fill the ink tank and smoothen the nib so I can get to write without having to struggle in the beginning. With Fellowship, I fell in love, yet again. I kept writing with these pens in turns so I don't miss out on any pen just because I have a new member in the family. I love all my pens equally. Today, I purchased a Parker fountain pen along with black and ruby red inks. I just had to fix the cartridge and in no time, I found that the ink flow was great and the nib was smooth already. Parker is a new member in the family and it managed to fit in so easily. I have fallen in love, already. Now, I am a proud parent of four fountain pens I love equally and immensely. I cannot wait to have more such members in my family, they are all so lovely. All credit goes to my teacher, had she not helped me light that little bulb of curiosity, how would I then know what it feels like to have a fountain pen!


  1. Junior, I am glad that you have "fallen in love" with writing, in fact, I am exceedingly happy about it. A fountain pen helps you fall in love not with itself but with 'writing'. Happy writing!

    1. Like I've mentioned in the post, all credit goes to you ma'am! Thank you for sharing this on Facebook as well. :) :) :)

    2. Whatever I can do, I will do!

    3. That's why, again, unconditional pyar! <3 :P
